
Written by Simon Eady on 20/5/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
Time to announce the next part of the year long webinar series on vRealize Operations Manager. This time around, Sunny and I thought about discussing Architecture of vROps. To some, it might sound strange as for smaller deployments you might not have to worry about Sizing and Architecture much since it is pretty simple to install and configure a small or a medium node for a small shop. However as your monitoring needs grow and you start adding solutions for monitoring data sources beyond vSphere, you would need to think about scaling up or scaling out.
Written by Simon Eady on 25/4/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
As promised, I am posting the recording for the 4th Session of vROps Webinar Series 2016. We successfully delivered the session on Contention Based Performance & Capacity Management using vRealize Operations Manager! This time around I could not not attend at short notice due to circumstances beyond my control but as you will see the session was awesome! <p> <b><i>Session Details:- </i></b>With this instalment of the series, we have a new speaker <a href="https://twitter.
Written by Simon Eady on 11/4/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
We hope you are having fun with the vROps Webinar Series and learning in the process! With the next instalment of this series, we have a new speaker who will entertain us 🙂 He is no stranger to the world of vRealize Operations Manager and has written a couple of books on vROps as well. I am referring to Iwan Rahabok who has been my partner in crime on all the vROps related work which we do, inside VMware or with the community.
Written by Simon Eady on 26/3/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
Sunny and myself delivered the session on vROps Capacity Planning with some demo scenarios which will help you define your capacity monitoring goals. Session Details:- Capacity Planning Demystified! Capacity Planning is an integral part of vRealize Operations Manager and through this session we want to de-mystify the concepts of Capacity Planning in vROps using features such as projects and the out-of-box capacity views. We look at defining the capacity planning policies based on the business requirements of an organization
Written by Simon Eady on 13/3/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
we will now deep-dive into vRealize Operations Manager Policies, specifically around the area of Capacity Planning. Capacity Planning Demystified!** ** Capacity Planning is an integral part of vRealize Operations Manager and through this session we want to de-mystify the concepts of Capacity Planning in vROps using features such as projects and the out-of-box capacity views. We will also look at defining the capacity planning policies based on the business requirements of an organization & yeah this would be all done through LIVE DEMOS 🙂 Day & Date : Thursday, 24th Mar 2016
Written by Simon Eady on 20/2/2016
Published under VMware and vRealize Operations
year long commitment of providing quality content on vRealize Operations Manager. Please remember that this is an introductory session to policies and we intend to go deeper into policies in the next session in the month of March, where we deep dive into more details around capacity planning with vRealize Operations Manager. You will hear more about that as we progress into the next month. A big thank you to Sunny Dua for presenting this session and Iwan Rahabok to provide all the lab equipment required for live demonstrations….
Written by Simon Eady on 1/2/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
vROps Webinar Series 2016 is back and as promised during the last session we would now take you to the world of vRealize Operations Policies Policies. What is a Policy?? “A policy is a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent, and is implemented as a procedure or protocol” Source - Wikipedia While the role of vRealize Operations Manager is to help you with Performance & Capacity Management of your Software Defined Datacenter (SDDC), it is important that you feed in the guiding principles of your Business Environment into vROps to get the rational outcomes.
Written by Simon Eady on 23/1/2016
Published under VMware and vRealize Operations
A series of webcasts on vRealize Operations Manager 6.x, helping you learn about anything and everything about the solution. Some of the examples include, vROps Policies, Alert Definitions, Automated Action Framework, integration to third party etc. This would include power point and live demonstrations. The session would range anywhere between 60 to 90 minutes. With 100+ registrations and more than 70 live attendees, it was definitely a great start to this series.
Written by Simon Eady on 13/1/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
With a new year comes new things and I am delighted to announce the start of a vROps based webinar series. These will consist of a set of live webcasts on different topics around vRealize Operations Manager open to public to attend live or view the recorded sessions later. Personally I am delighted to get the chance to work with Sunny Dua on this new project. Sunny is a well known and respected Senior Consultant at VMware and can be found often on twitter @Sunny_Dua.