
Written by Simon Eady on 21/6/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
Time to announce the next part of the year long webinar series on vRealize Operations Manager. This time around, Sunny and I will take you to the world of Content within vROps. I will be honest in saying that this is an ocean in itself and we might not be able to touch upon all the aspects of developing content within vROps. During this effort we plan to start with giving you an overview of the various options available to develop content within vROps.
Written by Simon Eady on 27/5/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
As promised, I am posting the recording for the 5th Session of vROps Webinar Series 2016. Both Sunny and I successfully delivered the session on Design and Deployment considerations. Session Details:- In this instalment of the series, we discussed the steps and thought processes that should be used before and during the design and deployment of vRealize Operations Manager. During the session among other things we will cover the planning, core components, correct sizing, HA, clustering, DR and future growth**.
Written by Simon Eady on 20/5/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
Time to announce the next part of the year long webinar series on vRealize Operations Manager. This time around, Sunny and I thought about discussing Architecture of vROps. To some, it might sound strange as for smaller deployments you might not have to worry about Sizing and Architecture much since it is pretty simple to install and configure a small or a medium node for a small shop. However as your monitoring needs grow and you start adding solutions for monitoring data sources beyond vSphere, you would need to think about scaling up or scaling out.
Written by Simon Eady on 25/4/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
As promised, I am posting the recording for the 4th Session of vROps Webinar Series 2016. We successfully delivered the session on Contention Based Performance & Capacity Management using vRealize Operations Manager! This time around I could not not attend at short notice due to circumstances beyond my control but as you will see the session was awesome! <p> <b><i>Session Details:- </i></b>With this instalment of the series, we have a new speaker <a href="https://twitter.
Written by Simon Eady on 13/4/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
So a lot of noise is being made about vROps being able to scale out and rightly so it works -very- well. However what if you want to scale up your node or nodes, going from say small to medium? Reasons why? Perhaps your POC has proved so useful you want to move it into production? You have lots of really useful historical on your existing smaller build and you don’t want to redeploy (therefore losing your historical data) You have limitations where scaling out is simply not an option but you need vROps to take on more work.
Written by Simon Eady on 11/4/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
We hope you are having fun with the vROps Webinar Series and learning in the process! With the next instalment of this series, we have a new speaker who will entertain us 🙂 He is no stranger to the world of vRealize Operations Manager and has written a couple of books on vROps as well. I am referring to Iwan Rahabok who has been my partner in crime on all the vROps related work which we do, inside VMware or with the community.
Written by Simon Eady on 31/3/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
<img class=“alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-7206” src="/images/2016/03/aaf-logo.png" alt=“aaf-logo” width=“150” height=“150” gems deep inside, vROps in this case is not without exception. The Automation Action Framework (AAF) is one of these, a really powerful vROps in-built automation tool. Now when I have discussed this capability with my peers and friends many ask why not use vRO etc? My reply is quite simple, “what if you do not have vRO or the in house skills to utilise it properly?
Written by Simon Eady on 26/3/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
Sunny and myself delivered the session on vROps Capacity Planning with some demo scenarios which will help you define your capacity monitoring goals. Session Details:- Capacity Planning Demystified! Capacity Planning is an integral part of vRealize Operations Manager and through this session we want to de-mystify the concepts of Capacity Planning in vROps using features such as projects and the out-of-box capacity views. We look at defining the capacity planning policies based on the business requirements of an organization
Written by Simon Eady on 13/3/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
we will now deep-dive into vRealize Operations Manager Policies, specifically around the area of Capacity Planning. Capacity Planning Demystified!** ** Capacity Planning is an integral part of vRealize Operations Manager and through this session we want to de-mystify the concepts of Capacity Planning in vROps using features such as projects and the out-of-box capacity views. We will also look at defining the capacity planning policies based on the business requirements of an organization & yeah this would be all done through LIVE DEMOS 🙂 Day & Date : Thursday, 24th Mar 2016
Written by Simon Eady on 10/3/2016
Published under vRealize Operations
Given the flexibility in which you can choose to use and deploy vROps a question that frequently comes out is “is there a best practice?” While that phrase is getting pretty tired it is still valid if you are just starting a design for a new vROps build or trying to make the best of a bad implementation. Rather than me trying to tell you how you should use vROps in your place of work I would direct you to a very useful PDF VMware have produced vRealize Operations Manager Reference Architecture.