
Written by Simon Eady on 20/9/2017
Published under Career
Why do IT projects fail? I am sure if you ask that question to ten people you will get 10 different answers, or at the very least a wide variety of reasons. The product chosen to deliver the solution was a poor match, the product was implemented incorrectly, the PM sucked, the Vendor gave no support, insufficient training material/resources, poor interoperability, the list goes on and on. One issue I have observed from time to time on my travels is quite different from the above listed examples.
Written by Simon Eady on 8/10/2016
Published under Career
I was having a chat with my Dad recently, about how those who work in IT keep their skills up to date. He is now retired but had spent 25+ years in the IT business so I always value his opinion. What occurred to me while we chewed the fat was the following. If there is one thing we can be sure of in IT, it is that change will happen and faster than we think.