
Written by Sam McGeown on 9/3/2020
Published under Cloud Native
I love Raspbery Pis - I have done since they first released them, all the way up to the present iteration, the Raspberry Pi 4. They’re phenominal little bits of kit, endlessly hackable and because of their really low price, they open up computing to a huge number of people who otherwise wouldn’t get the opportunity. One of the irritating things, though, about running Raspberry Pis is that they typically boot from an SD card.
Written by Sam McGeown on 20/9/2013
Published under VMware
John Troyer (@jtroyer) asked a question on Twitter last night about a CloudCred prize of $1000-2000: @jtroyer a nice lab setup! — Sam McGeown (@sammcgeown) September 19, 2013 @jtroyer I guess a couple of hosts, storage and a switch, wouldn't get HCL certified for that but I'm sure it's doable! — Sam McGeown (@sammcgeown) September 19, 2013 That got me thinking – was it possible to create an entire 2 host lab with storage on a $2000 budget?