
Written by Sam McGeown on 14/8/2013
Published under VMware and vSphere
You’d be surprised how many times I see datastore that’s just been un-presented from hosts rather than decommissioned correctly – in one notable case I saw a distributed switch crippled for a whole cluster because the datastore in question was being used to store the VDS configuration. This is the process that I follow to ensure datastores are decommissioned without any issues – they need to comply with these requirements
Written by Sam McGeown on 17/10/2012
Published under VMware
I ran into this issue yesterday while reconnecting hosts in our vCenter Server following a complete reinstall - the reasons for which are a long story, but suffice to say that there were new certificates and the host passwords were encrypted with the old ones. The LUNs had been unpresented at the hardware level by the storage team, but had not been unmounted or removed from vCenter. This is not the way to remove storage - let me re-iterate: remove storage properly.