
Written by Simon Eady on 18/3/2021
Published under vRealize Automation
Integrating vROps with vRA 8 using Workspace One Auth Source Product Version - vRealize Automation 8.x Why integrate vROps with vRA 8? vRealize Automation can work with vRealize Operations Manager to perform advanced workload placement, provide deployment health and virtual machine metrics, and display pricing. So what is the problem? When configuring the integration, you will input the vROps URL and it will also ask you to input a username and password of the service account you wish to use.
Written by Simon Eady on 29/3/2017
Published under vRealize Operations
So vROps 6.5 has been out for around a month now and I finally have a little while to write a post on what I personally really like. There is a lot of great new enhancements and improvements added in 6.5 but for the sake of brevity I shall highlight two that I really liked. Flexibility to increase RAM in between node sizes So if you are familiar with vROps you will know that when you deploy it you have “T-Shirt” sizes to choose from, Small, Medium, Large and now Extra Large (6.