
Written by Sam McGeown on 23/5/2019
Published under NSX and VMware
I ran into this UI bug the other day when I was trying to enable route redistribution on an Edge in a Secondary site of a cross-vCenter NSX deployment. The Edge itself was deployed correctly, and configured to peer with a physical northbound router, however when I attempted to configure the route redistribution I was unable to do so. Fortunately, the solution was simple - use the API. Perform a GET operation to retrieve the current BGP configuration 1 GET https://{{nsxmanager}}/api/4.
Written by Simon Eady on 5/4/2019
Published under VMware and vRealize Automation
I recently upgraded an instance of vRA from 7.2 to 7.5 and rather than do it the manual way I used VMware’s vRealize LifeCycle Manager (version 2.0 update 3). Everything was going great and according to plan, the vRLCM pre-requisites checker made short work of all of the checks you need to do before you start an upgrade of vRA. You can see below vRLCM does a great job of keeping you informed of the current progress and in a really elegant way.
Written by Sam McGeown on 14/3/2019
Published under VMware and vSphere
Most vSphere admins are more than comfortable with using Update Manager to download patches and update their environment, but few that I talk to actually know a huge amount about the Update Mangaer Download Service (UMDS). UMDS is tool you can install to download patches (and third party VIBs - I’ll get to that) for Update Manager and it’s useful for environments that don’t have access to the internet, or air-gapped, and also for environments with multiple vCenter Servers where you don’t necessarily want to download the same patch on every server.
Written by Simon Eady on 27/2/2019
Published under VMware
For the last month I had been preparing for the VCAP7-CMA Design exam and I am very glad to say I passed on my first attempt. Oddly I found it slightly easier than the VCP7-CMA but that I suspect is down to the fact I spend a lot of my time designing and implementing solutions for customers as opposed to day to day administration of any given solution. So what was the exam like?
Written by Sam McGeown on 8/2/2019
Published under VMware
This series was originally going to be a more polished endeavour, but unfortunately time got in the way. A prod from James Kilby (@jameskilbynet) has convinced me to publish as is, as a series of lab notes. Maybe one day I’ll loop back and finish them… Requirements Routing Because I’m backing my vCloud Director installation with NSX-T, I will be using my existing Tier-0 router, which interfaces with my physical router via BGP.
Written by Sam McGeown on 21/9/2018
Published under VMware, vRealize Orchestrator and vSphere
Just a quick post today to cover a new vRO action and workflow I’ve uploaded to GitHub that configures vCenter High Availability in the basic mode. This is based on William Lam’s excellent PowerShell module that does the same, but using vRO. I also hope to release a version for the advanced mode based on my PowerShell script in the near future. TL;DR - package is availabile on GitHub The workflow itself is pretty self explanatory, with my deployment action, which returns a VC:Task, and the standard “wait for a task to end” action.
Written by Simon Eady on 6/9/2018
Published under VMware and vRealize Operations
I did a quick search online and could not find a collated list so, by way of a quick summary from all the VMworld 2018 announcements and comments my good friend and PM for vRealize Operations Sunny Dua has made, I have collated a list of what we can expect to see in the next iteration of vROps (7.0). The list is in no order of interest or importance, some of the mentioned improvements have been long standing requests so enjoy and get hyped (I know I am).
Written by Sam McGeown on 13/7/2018
Published under VMware
This series was originally going to be a more polished endeavour, but unfortunately time got in the way. A prod from James Kilby (@jameskilbynet) has convinced me to publish as is, as a series of lab notes. Maybe one day I’ll loop back and finish them… RabbitMQ for vCloud Director RabbitMQ High Availability and Load Balancing The vCloud Architecture Toolkit states RabbitMQ scales up to thousands of messages per second, which is much more than vCloud Director is able to publish.
Written by Sam McGeown on 13/7/2018
Published under VMware
This series was originally going to be a more polished endeavour, but unfortunately time got in the way. A prod from James Kilby (@jameskilbynet) has convinced me to publish as is, as a series of lab notes. Maybe one day I’ll loop back and finish them… Prerequisites I’ve deployed a CentOS7 VM from my standard template, and configured the prerequisites as per my prerequisites post. Updates, NTP, DNS and SELinux have all been configured.
Written by Sam McGeown on 13/7/2018
Published under VMware
This series was originally going to be a more polished endeavour, but unfortunately time got in the way. A prod from James Kilby (@jameskilbynet) has convinced me to publish as is, as a series of lab notes. Maybe one day I’ll loop back and finish them… Prerequisites PostgreSQL server deployed and configured Two vRO 7.4 appliances deployed Before powering them on, add an additional network card on the vcd-sql network