So, this is something I’ve been waiting to write up for a while! PowerShell for macOS has been available for a while now, but what a lot of PowerCLI fans have been waiting for is to be able to use PowerCLI direct from their Mac.
Today, amidst all of the noise from VMWorld, PowerCLI Core dropped as a Fling! That means that although it’s not ready for production use yet, it is ready to start testing - and I’m way more excited than I should be!
At the moment it’s a limited subset of PowerCLI functionality (as PowerShell Core is a limited subset of PowerShell), but both PowerShell and PowerCLI are actively adding functionality at a really good rate - and VMware Flings have a pretty decent track record for being released as production (H5 client, Migrate2VCSA, VSAN HCL, Embedded Host Client - it goes on!)
Anyway, enough of my excited ramblings - lets get installing!
The first step is to follow this article to install .Net Core on Mac.
Install Homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Then use Homebrew to install the latest version of OpenSSL
brew update brew install openssl ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
Also install the latest version of curl:
brew install curl --with-openssl
Download the .Net Core package installer and run through the installer
Next download the PowerShell alpha and install using:
sudo installer -pkg powershell-6.0.0-alpha.10.pkg -target /
Configure some additional libraries (basically use the new curl version installed above and openssl)
sudo install_name_tool -change /usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib /usr/local/opt/curl/lib/libcurl.4.dylib /usr/local/microsoft/powershell/6.0.0-alpha.10/System.Net.Http.Native.dylib sudo install_name_tool -add_rpath /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib /usr/local/microsoft/powershell/6.0.0-alpha.10/System.Security.Cryptography.Native.dylib
Now download the PowerCli Core zip file from the Flings site, unzip the file and unzip the modules to the correct location:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/powershell/Modules unzip PowerCLI\ unzip -d ~/.local/share/powershell/Modules unzip -d ~/.local/share/powershell/Modules
Now we’re ready to run some PowerShell! Open a new terminal and type
That’s not getting old any time soon! PowerShell on my Mac 🙂 Next import the PowerCLI modules:
Get-Module -ListAvailable PowerCLI* | Import-Module
Now we can connect to vCenter and do some PowerCLI goodness!
If you use custom SSL certificates, you might find that you hit the following error if your CA is not trusted by PowerShell:
To get round this, set the InvalidCertificateAction to Prompt
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Prompt
Now when you connect, you will be prompted to accept the “invalid” certificate and then connect correctly!
Currently there are two modules, PowerCLI.ViCore (the core virtual infrastructure command-lets) and PowerCLI.Vds (vSphere Distributed Switch command-lets).
Use the following command to list what’s available:
CommandType Name Version Source ----------- ---- ------- ------ Cmdlet Add-PassthroughDevice 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Add-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Add-VDSwitchVMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Add-VirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Add-VMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Add-VMHostNtpServer 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Connect-VIServer 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Copy-DatastoreItem 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Copy-HardDisk 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Copy-VMGuestFile 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Disconnect-VIServer 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Dismount-Tools 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Export-VApp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Export-VDPortGroup 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Export-VDSwitch 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Export-VMHostProfile 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Format-VMHostDiskPartition 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-AdvancedSetting 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-AlarmAction 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-AlarmActionTrigger 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-AlarmDefinition 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Annotation 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-CDDrive 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Cluster 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-ContentLibraryItem 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-CustomAttribute 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Datacenter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Datastore 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-DatastoreCluster 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-DrsRecommendation 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-DrsRule 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-EsxCli 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-EsxTop 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-FloppyDrive 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Folder 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-HAPrimaryVMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-HardDisk 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Inventory 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-IScsiHbaTarget 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Log 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-LogType 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-NetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-NicTeamingPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-OSCustomizationNicMapping 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-OSCustomizationSpec 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-OvfConfiguration 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-PassthroughDevice 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-PowerCLIConfiguration 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-PowerCLIVersion 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-ResourcePool 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-ScsiController 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-ScsiLun 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-ScsiLunPath 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-SecurityPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Snapshot 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Stat 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-StatInterval 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-StatType 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Tag 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-TagAssignment 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-TagCategory 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Task 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-Template 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-UsbDevice 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VApp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VDBlockedPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Get-VDPort 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Get-VDPortgroup 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Get-VDPortgroupOverridePolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Get-VDSecurityPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Get-VDSwitch 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Get-VDSwitchPrivateVlan 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Get-VDTrafficShapingPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Get-VDUplinkLacpPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Get-VIAccount 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VIEvent 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-View 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VIObjectByVIView 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VIPermission 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VIPrivilege 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VIProperty 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VIRole 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VirtualPortGroup 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VirtualSwitch 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VM 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMGuest 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMGuestRoute 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostAccount 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostAuthentication 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostAvailableTimeZone 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostDiagnosticPartition 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostDisk 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostDiskPartition 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostFirewallDefaultPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostFirewallException 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostFirmware 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostHardware 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostHba 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostModule 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostNetwork 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostNtpServer 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostPatch 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostPciDevice 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostProfile 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostProfileRequiredInput 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostRoute 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostService 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostSnmp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostStartPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostStorage 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMHostSysLogServer 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMQuestion 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMResourceConfiguration 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Get-VMStartPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Import-VApp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Import-VMHostProfile 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Install-VMHostPatch 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Invoke-DrsRecommendation 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Invoke-VMHostProfile 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Invoke-VMScript 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Mount-Tools 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Move-Cluster 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Move-Datacenter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Move-Datastore 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Move-Folder 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Move-HardDisk 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Move-Inventory 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Move-ResourcePool 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Move-Template 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Move-VApp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Move-VM 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Move-VMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-AdvancedSetting 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-AlarmAction 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-AlarmActionTrigger 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-CDDrive 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-Cluster 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-CustomAttribute 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-Datacenter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-Datastore 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-DatastoreCluster 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-DrsRule 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-FloppyDrive 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-Folder 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-HardDisk 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-IScsiHbaTarget 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-NetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-OSCustomizationNicMapping 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-OSCustomizationSpec 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-ResourcePool 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-ScsiController 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-Snapshot 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-StatInterval 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-Tag 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-TagAssignment 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-TagCategory 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-Template 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VApp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VDPortgroup 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet New-VDSwitch 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet New-VDSwitchPrivateVlan 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet New-VIPermission 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VIProperty 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VIRole 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VirtualPortGroup 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VirtualSwitch 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VM 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VMGuestRoute 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VMHostAccount 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VMHostNetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VMHostProfile 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet New-VMHostRoute 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Open-VMConsoleWindow 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-AdvancedSetting 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-AlarmAction 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-AlarmActionTrigger 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-CDDrive 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-Cluster 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-CustomAttribute 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-Datacenter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-Datastore 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-DatastoreCluster 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-DrsRule 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-FloppyDrive 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-Folder 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-HardDisk 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-Inventory 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-IScsiHbaTarget 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-NetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-OSCustomizationNicMapping 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-OSCustomizationSpec 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-PassthroughDevice 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-ResourcePool 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-Snapshot 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-StatInterval 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-Tag 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-TagAssignment 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-TagCategory 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-Template 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-UsbDevice 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VApp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VDPortGroup 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Remove-VDSwitch 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Remove-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Remove-VDSwitchPrivateVlan 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Remove-VDSwitchVMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Remove-VIPermission 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VIProperty 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VIRole 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VirtualPortGroup 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VirtualSwitch 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VM 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VMGuestRoute 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VMHostAccount 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VMHostNetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VMHostNtpServer 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VMHostProfile 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Remove-VMHostRoute 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Restart-VM 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Restart-VMGuest 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Restart-VMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Restart-VMHostService 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-AdvancedSetting 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-AlarmDefinition 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-Annotation 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-CDDrive 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-Cluster 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-CustomAttribute 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-Datacenter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-Datastore 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-DatastoreCluster 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-DrsRule 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-FloppyDrive 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-Folder 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-HardDisk 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-IScsiHbaTarget 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-NetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-NicTeamingPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-OSCustomizationNicMapping 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-OSCustomizationSpec 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-PowerCLIConfiguration 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-ResourcePool 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-ScsiController 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-ScsiLun 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-ScsiLunPath 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-SecurityPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-Snapshot 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-StatInterval 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-Tag 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-TagCategory 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-Template 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VApp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VDBlockedPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Set-VDPort 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Set-VDPortgroup 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Set-VDPortgroupOverridePolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Set-VDSecurityPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Set-VDSwitch 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Set-VDTrafficShapingPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Set-VDUplinkLacpPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Set-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Set-VDVlanConfiguration 1.21 PowerCLI.Vds Cmdlet Set-VIPermission 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VIRole 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VirtualPortGroup 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VirtualSwitch 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VM 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostAccount 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostAuthentication 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostDiagnosticPartition 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostFirewallDefaultPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostFirewallException 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostFirmware 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostHba 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostModule 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostNetwork 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostProfile 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostRoute 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostService 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostSnmp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostStartPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostStorage 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMHostSysLogServer 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMQuestion 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMResourceConfiguration 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Set-VMStartPolicy 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Start-VApp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Start-VM 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Start-VMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Start-VMHostService 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Stop-Task 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Stop-VApp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Stop-VM 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Stop-VMGuest 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Stop-VMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Stop-VMHostService 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Suspend-VM 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Suspend-VMGuest 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Suspend-VMHost 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Test-VMHostProfileCompliance 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Test-VMHostSnmp 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Update-Tools 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Wait-Task 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore Cmdlet Wait-Tools 1.21 PowerCLI.ViCore
Get-Command -Module PowerCLI*