Quick post to cover a fix for installing the VNXe SRA when you encounter the below error:
Failed to load SRA from ‘C:/Program Files/VMware/VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager/storage/sra/EMC VNXe SRA’. SRA command ‘queryInfo’ didn’t return a response.
The components installed (in this order) are:
The root cause is that the system locale is EN-GB rather than EN-US, however even changing the locale does not resolve the issue. The Java installation will still try and load an en_GB module and fail. The solution is as follows:
Edit “
system(“jre/bin/java -jar EmcVNXeSra.jar”);
system(“jre/bin/java -Duser.country=US -Duser.language=en -jar EmcVNXeSra.jar”);
Rescan the SRAs within SRM to load the VNXe adapter details.