This article is now 13 years old! It is highly likely that this information is out of date and the author will have completely forgotten about it. Please take care when following any guidance to ensure you have up-to-date recommendations.
We run to monitoring systems where I work, the first is HP SIM and the second is Microsoft System Center Operations Manager. Currently, they and their databases all reside on a single rather battered server, “MONITOR1”.
I’ve installed a new SQL Server 2008 server “SQL1” on Windows Server 2008 to take some of the load, and take advantage of the 64-bit OS and SQL installation.
Both servers are part of the domain “DOMAIN”
The process goes something like this:
Add the user that SIM runs as to the SQL server logins. For me that’s “DOMAIN\Insight.Manager”
Create a new database on SQL1 with exactly the same name as the MONITOR1 database for SIM. Since my 6.x install is an upgraded 5.x install, the database is called “Insight_v50_0_16732390”.
Add the SIM user account to the new database with DBO permissions.
Stop the HP SIM service on MONITOR1
Right click “Insight_v50_0_16732390” on MONITOR1 and Export. Export all the tables to SQL1…and wait a long time for the data to transfer.
While you’re waiting, you can edit the following files (c:\Program Files\HP\Systems Insight Manager\Config) - database.props and database.admin. Change any references for MONITOR1 to SQL1.
Once it’s completed, stop the SQL server on MONITOR1 and start the HP SIM services again - fire up the SIM homepage to check everything is running OK.
If it all checks out, remove the old database and if it’s no longer needed, uninstall the SQL server too.