The requested Storage VMotion would move a virtual machine’s disks without assigning the virtual machine a new home, but such a move is not supported on the source host

Written by Sam McGeown
Published on 14/10/2009 - Read in about 1 min (122 words)

I’m migrating some hosts off of an older storage LUN, but when I drag the disk to the new Datastore with the SVMotion plug-in the job fails with the following error:

The requested Storage VMotion would move a virtual machine's disks without assigning the virtual machine a new home, but such a move is not supported on the source host

The error occurs because the virtual disk cannot be moved without moving the source files, the .vmx, .vswap etc. Simply drag the entire VM, rather than the virtual disk to the new Datastore.

If you’re trying to move a 2nd, 3rd or nth disk and you get this error, drag the entire VM as per above over to the new Datastore, once that’s completed, go back in to SVMotion and drag the whole VM across again, only this time before you apply, drag the nth disk back to the new Datastore.


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